~Living at our log
August 2006
JULY 28, 2006.....Well
our cabin has become our home for awhile. We moved out of
Anchorage and have been living here for most of the summer! It is
heaven. Our days are spent glassing the mountains and bench
country around the cabin in the morning and evening, with odd
cabin jobs keeping us busy most of the day. Aaron is doing his
antler carving and scrimshaw and I am able to use my phone as a
modem to continue to do web design. I think our dogs are in heaven
here as well. Nothing better than sitting at my desk in the corner
with huge views to both my right and left. We've seen groups of
bull caribou on the hills, four brown bears now, two wolves, a
handful of moose, and thousands of bunnies. The thing I miss the
most now is showering. Without running water it is hard to shower
as often as I like. So far we are working it out to be an actual
shower once a week. Keeping food cold has also been a chore, but
dry ice has helped immensely. We feast on A LOT of canned goods
right now. It is a big adventure for us right now trying to figure
out how to live simply, but comfortably. We will try and keep a
picture journal of our summer cabin jobs and adventures.
 July 28, 2006 The very rough life of our dogs. Tundra has really grown
up, but still has some room to grow. She is full of life and keeps Kodi
young. Not very often that Kodi lets her sleep so close to him....must
of been playing hard. |
One of the first projects Aaron started for me was a desk.
I have my lap top so we didn't need anything elaborate. We built a
little corner shelf for the computer, then came the chair. Aaron built it
very sturdy as usual...(don't know if he is trying to tell me something) It
works well, but we are going to shave the back down a bit since it is a
little much. |
Learning to wash clothes was a chore, but a friend gave us
this little contraption to do small bits of laundry. "The Wonderwash"...
Nothing like washing clothes and hanging them to dry in the outdoors.
They smell so much better this way! |
We had to bring our mounts and cool antler stuff up with
us to the cabin. It is very rustic and outdoorsy in here now. |
9th-13th, 2006
Aaron and planned a weekend scout trip to our moose
hunting area. We were a bit foiled by weather in the beginning; so we took
advantage of a drive. We saw this nice sow black bear and two cubs
right along side the road. |

We saw this cow and calf as well on the drive. Mostly saw cows and
a couple calves. Looks like most of the bull moose this time of year
are up a bit higher and tend to stay hidden in the alder thickets. We
did see a coyote cross the road as well. |
ended up hiking in a day later than we had planned and the weather was
beautiful, but hot. We hiked 10 miles; the first three miles were on an old
animal trail, and the rest was brush thrashing and hit and miss animal
trails. Luckily the bugs weren't so bad. We hiked to where we
thought we'd be moose hunting from and realized how totally unrealistic it
was since the moose would still be at least two miles away - two miles of
alders and thick spruce. It was frustrating, but I guess at least we
figured that out before we went in with intentions of hunting. |
evening was spent making a small shelter to sleep in and glassing the hills
around us. We saw the biggest grizzly/brown bear we've seen since we've been
in Alaska on the far hills. We also saw a number of caribou bulls; and
a couple of cow moose in the lake. The trail in had some whopper piles
of bear scat; and on the way out we found some good rubbing trees with bear
hair all over them. |
  August 17, 2006
The rockwork we've been doing for our walkway. We've been
carrying rock a couple times a week on our pack frames to help get in shape
for hunting season, and to make our walkway. We have a lot further to
go though. |
18, 2006
The big project began. We knew we needed to extended out
the roof on both the front and back of the cabin since our logs had been
getting beaten by more weather than necessary. It would have been
easier to build it longer in the beginning; but apparently we weren't
thinking. It was a challenge to figure how the extensions would be
sturdy enough to stand the wind gusts. We have been putting this project off
for good weather, but that doesn't exist up here in Alaska this summer.
We've gotten A LOT of rain and stormy conditions. So we decided to
start the process today. We framed the three foot extensions out on
the ground and awkwardly slid them up the roof and somehow together balanced
them and placed them in the brackets we'd attached to the old 2x8. |
weather was probably the worst it has been since we've been at the cabin
this summer. Somehow we built our cabin at the edge of converging weather
systems. To the south it was gray and rainy with strong winds and to the
north there was blue sky. The winds were so strong they were warping
the front windows with their strong gusts. With the wind came
horizontal rain from the storm to the south! A couple times Aaron
almost lost his balance when sitting on the roof from the gusts; and the
steal wanted to catch the wind and lift a couple times. |

managed to get steel up on one side of the new roof extension; but then it
started raining too hard to safely complete the other side. The south facing
side of the cabin will be a real trick; one for a day that there is no wind
or rain since we don't have the loft to assist with putting the extensions
up. So with our new almost complete extension; the deck stays
completely dry and most of the stairs do too! |
19-20, 2006
We had visitors!!! Yeah. Aaron and I are always excited to
have visitors, especially good friends from town. Luke and Rochelle
have been to our cabin before, but that was nearly two years ago when we put
them to work. This time we didn't put them to work; they put
themselves to work fixing some of the best grub that Aaron and I have had in
awhile. Aaron was so excited....he didn't have to grill a thing for two
whole days. |
and Tundra looking their best behaved; this after jumping all over Luke and
Rochelle at the initial meeting. We were all pretty much socked in the
cabin with the strong winds and rain showers we were getting. Glad we
extended our roof the day before since we got 5 inches of rain in 24 hours;
and the next night we got 3 inches. (Lucky we built our cabin on a
hill) |
we would find blueberries at an area we frequently see people stopped and
picking; we were surprised to find wild raspberries. Just past their
prime, but still tasty.
Rochelle picking some blueberries near our cabin |
all set out to pick some blueberries for Rochelle to take home.
Somehow Aaron and I stuck out the wind and rain with cold fingers to pick
them nearly a gallon, while they cheated and snuck back to the cabin with
maybe half a gallon...:) |
Back inside to warm ourselves while Rochelle cooks
up some blackened salmon and Kalbie. It was a feast of a meal.
We were stuffed, and the dogs had their fill too. Tundra and
Kodi were in dog heaven with visitors providing handouts. After
dinner we relaxed with wine. Nice to be inside a warm cabin when
the weather is wild outside! |
The family....Kodi, Tundra, Aaron, and I inside the cabin.
Nice to get a family photo every once and awhile. Tundra is
nearly a year old now, and Kodi is six and a half.
a couple glasses of wine things started getting really interesting.
We played some cards, but when that proved to be a little
challenging with the wine on board, we opted for Cranium. It
was a hoot. We played until 3am and I could have kept playing.
Needless to say we didn't get out of bed until 10:00 the next
morning! |
we had a feast for brunch....sausage and blueberry pancakes.
I'd made blueberry syrup a day before so we used that and put fresh
berries on the cakes as well. We were all stuffed. Thanks for
the pictures Rochelle... |
didn't see the thermometer get any higher than 39 the day Rochelle
and Luke left. Rochelle took this picture of Aaron's perfect
wood pile.
Rochelle modeling a big smile from the loft.
  View from the top of the stairs outside. Still have
to lay a lot more rock, but haven't been able to find time yet.
The haul of berries we made from the day before.
Three bags of raspberries, and a number of blueberries. We
gave them all to Rochelle to take home and can since we figured we
could go pick as many more as we could find. |
Packing up and packing out. Typically carry
packs and coolers on our backs. A wet morning walk, but at least it
wasn't nearly as windy as when they arrived. |

Aaron sitting at my corner desk glassing for animals on the
hills. Saw many groups of caribou. Haven't seen any bears in
spoiled ourselves by picking berries in the sun! Much better than
when it is raining and windy. We picked a gallon; I'm sure Tundra
did as well, but we don't benefit much from her berry eating. |
packing pistols...especially in a bear cafeteria. Ever since
we had that bear come up to the cabin the other day, I've been a
little more cautious. I feel really safe with Kodi though, he is
always at attention. Occasionally he gets to woofing when we are out
picking; makes me a little nervous, but I figure at least if any
bears are near they will know we are too. |
22, 2006
A day to start the outside ceiling boards. Aaron
and I bought 160 1x3s since 1x4s were nearly twice as much. I
couldn't wait to get our outside boards on to make it a little
harder for bugs to come and visit us inside the cabin. |
used Luke's nail gun to put the boards up and I was the official
cutter! Finally I'm using power tools. I won't say I can cut a
straight line; but my value just increased. Now Aaron can sit on his
ladder and give me measurements and I cut and run the board to him.
:) |

We are very excited about how this is looking; much better than the
plywood look. Hard to make boards fit when they are butting up
against logs and the purlins and ridgepole. We found out
midway through that we definitely didn't have enough boards for our
roof. Figured we'd be short some 75 boards. Luckily
Fairbanks isn't that far away. |
Tundra keeps herself busy digging unneeded holes
under the cabin. We've had to put rocks in a number of the holes
she started digging next to our concrete posts.
A rather windy day. Hard to catch some of the gusts on film, but you
get the idea |
pictures are dedicated to Rochelle. This is what you were
looking for...We picked a gallon without taking one step once we
found these berry patches. We have a couple gallons of blueberries
now; not sure what we are doing with them yet. Hope to find some
information about canning since we purchased some canning supplies
in Delta today. |
gets in on the berry eating. He is pretty cute when he eats them
though; he wrinkles up his nose and acts like they are very sour.
I don't think they settled very well with his stomach since we had
to let him out every two hours last night! |

Kodi on guard, or just acting handsome. We love this dog. |
23, 2006
Aaron and I were thrilled when we awoke this
morning to find that there was no wind and that it wasn't raining. We
enjoyed our morning coffee then set out to haul the rest of our
roofing supplies. We were a little concerned when it started getting
a little breezy around noon, but fortunately that died down shortly. |
front was going to be a process since we didn't have the loft to use
to build. We did use 2x8s and our ladder on top of our window covers
to make a temporary walkway just high enough to reach the ridgepole.
We were concerned about making the front extension strong since the
front of our cabin gets pounded by wind. |
I'm using power tools again. We had to make a v-shaped piece to go
inside the top area where the two 2x8s meet so we could attach them
and increase the strength of the overall structure.
Nice golden logs...Look at that taper. |
caulking the front logs that have spaces from twisting over the last
year. Most of the caulking we put on last year is good, just a few
touchups needed.
The cabin looks so much better with an extended
roof. It looks a lot stronger now and I'm sure that our logs on the
front will thanks us when the wind and rain start up again. |
Aaron had one side of the steel on, we had to take the steps off the
plywood for him to put the other piece of steel on. We decided to
hang our ladder over the roof so he could access the steel safely.
It took a few tries to throw the rope over.
don't know how safe this was since we tied the ladder down with a
weathered old rope; but it lasted. I just made sure I wasn't
below the ladder very often. Aaron has a habit of sliding off our
roof, and I didn't want him sliding, ladder and all, into me. |
A parting shot of the cabin! Probably the
hardest thing about leaving Alaska for a bit, is leaving the
cabin! The roof extension sure turned out great and has
helped keep a lot of water off the logs on the front! We'll
see how she fairs this year! |