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Montana Hunting  2008

Wow....I'm so impressed with this buck my 14 year old son Kyle shot.  When he called me from Montana, he could hardly contain himself, so overwhelmed with excitement.  He had been getting pretty bummed with the hunting season, and all the hard work finally paid off! Here's his version of the story....

The night before I ask my mom if she would take me out about 6 in the morning and come back around 11ish, she said sure. so I went to bed early that night.
                          The next morning before light appeared we got up there and I had a spot pick out to sit and wait tell light, after about 30 mins I got out of the car and started moving toward the dam with tons of brush around it. Then before I got 20 yards away from the car my mom yelled at me to shut the door and I ignored her and keep walking, then I heard the sound of the car door slam, I knew at that time the deer were spooked and were gone. So we went driving along and spotted about 20 deer on my dads  hay land, we drove to a hill about 1/2 mile away and I looked through the scope to see if there were any bucks. And I spotted a nice 4 by 5 whitetail bedded down with about 15 does. We decided to try to push them to legal ground, and it worked they went up east of highway 16 and into a coulee, we lost them for a while and then we spotted them up on a side hill about 1/4 mile into a coulee.
                        I decided to make a stock, I got my 270 and started up the coulee bed, once I was 300 yards away, I got my scope on him and didn't have time to take a shot and he rounded a hill and went farther up the coulee.
                               I decided to sit and rest few before getting on my hands and knees and crawling a few 100 yards. That was the best choice I had this year, about 20 seconds later, I looked to my left up a little draw and here came a 9 by 7 whitetail hot on a doe, he didn't even notice me,
               I was on the hill side about 25 yards up and he was running down the middle of it.  I got set up and took the safety off, he got straight in front of me and I grunted to get his attention, he stop, broad side to me about 80 yards away, I got him in my scope and boom, he took off and I thought I had missed, I hurried up the next hill, I was winded by the time I got up there so I stop and sat down and looked around with my scope.
                           Then I saw the 5 by 4 whitetail and all the does walking about a 100 yards out.  I thought about taking a shot at him, he was a huge 4 by 5 but I didn't shoot .   They got about 400 yards away and I got up and started to go were I first shot at the buck,
             There was nothing so I fallowed were I saw him go around the hill, then I saw blood and hair on every branch and tree on the path.
                      I got really excited and tried to keep my cool but when I saw horns sticking out of a 4 foot washout I started to smile and shake with excitement.   I got up to him and poked him with a branch, he didn't move.    I picked him up and couldn't believe it , he had only ran 50 yards from were I had shot!!!! I shot him right through the heart!!!!  I called my mom and told her I got him, she paused and said no u didn't he is right in front of me, I told her I got a even bigger one a 7 by 9, freaked. Once she got done taking pictures , chuck (our hired man) helped me gut it and but it on the tarp.
                  Once I got home my uncle Larry scored it and then we looked to see how old it was, He was a very young buck 3 years at the most , he still had teeth growing in. He had great potential to be a monster.

All I know is that I'd be tickled pink with a buck like that! Lucky duck he is!

Montana Hunting 2007 Season

No we didn't shoot anything this season in MT, but that doesn't mean we didn't try! Aaron and I hiked our tails off...our only hunting season as residents in MT.  We did have some fun experiences with rattling in bucks. It's amazing the things one can see if they spend enough time in the woods!

It was a hoot hunting with my Mom. She can't sit still to save her life!  We did some rattling, but I doubt we ever sat long enough for it to count.  Notice my huge rattling antlers! I had a hard enough time keeping them from rattling just walking around the woods! One thing I'll miss SO much is the precious moments spent with my Mom in MT.

Aaron thought this was SO funny! Catching me snoozing...we'd usually hike into areas an hour before light, and then sit most of the day, and hike out in the dark!  I think my body was shutting down sometimes in the cold.   No one in the Bork or Cook family shot a critter this year! That's okay though! More sheds to be found!

Montana Hunting 2006 Season

My son Kyle shot his first buck this year too!  I knew when the phone rang that November evening, and I heard his excited voice, that he'd gotten his first deer!  I was so excited for him!  His Dad is a bird hunter, and I'm not sure if his mom hunts at all, so I'm pleased that some of my hunting blood carried over into him!  I'm sure he's officially got the itch for deer hunting, and we hope to drag him to Alaska when he gets older to hunt moose with us!



Our Sister-in-law, Ashild, shot her first buck this year too.  Adam successfully called this curious fellow in after calling in the buck on the right for his dad.  A successful hunt on the last day of hunting season! 

Montana Hunting 2005 Season





A successful weekend pheasant hunting in Eastern Montana.

My son Kyle's very first successful hunt.

After passing his hunter's safety course, his daddy went and bought him a shotgun, and this was the result!

After he shot he was so excited he jumped up, turned around, looked at everyone else, asked if they shot,  and when confirmed that it was his, went off at a dead run to retrieve….

We are so proud of him!



Scott's friend, Mick, with a nice 10" billy from the Yaak.


Montana Hunting over the Years

I don't know about these three characters, My two brothers and Mom hunting in Montana.

Adam showing off his elk, his whitetail and Jimmy's whitetail.

Jimmy and Adam with their trophies....2003

Aaron's trip to Montana, October 2002, for antelope near Jordan.  No antelope, but Aaron's dad took home this mule deer.
Jill's Mom (Robin) and her Monster Mule deer.


The Great Hunter

Jill's Dad (Bob) trying to keep up with "The Great Hunter".

Aaron's Still Dreaming. Mom's Monster Mule Deer

Aaron and Adam.              Jordan, MT.  2000

Aaron's successful bow hunt, 1999.


Aaron's best whitetail. 1998

Aaron and Dad, West of Kalispell, 1988.

Aaron, Paul, Jeff, and Chief Glendive, MT 1997.

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  Somers, Montana
(907) 306-9535

Design by Jill Bork

This site was last updated 01/27/20